Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Administration, Pharmaceutical Administration and Pharmacoeconomics Research Center (PAPRC), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Administration, Pharmaceutical Administration and Pharmacoeconomics Research Center (PAPRC), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Department of Health Management and Economics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Knowledge Utilization Research Centre, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Biostatistics, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Economics, Allameh‑Tabatabaiee University of Human Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Objective: To develop a valid and reliable instrument in the Persian language for 
evaluating patient satisfaction with services provided in community pharmacies.
Methods: We selected a valid and reliable instrument from the literature and translated 
it to the Persian language. Some new items were added to the first draft based on the 
special characteristics of the Iranian health system. Then, the feasibility of utilizing 
the new instrument was assessed. In the third step, we conducted a formal content 
validity study to calculate content validity indices. Having completed the content validity 
study, the factorial structure of new instruments was determined by implementing a 
factorial analysis. Finally, the reliability of the instrument was assessed by assessment 
of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and test‑retest reliability.
Findings: The developed instrument demonstrated suitable validity and reliability. 
The final instrument showed desirable content validity, with inter‑rater agreement 
of 94% and 97% for relevance and clarity, respectively. Scale content validity 
indices for relevance and clarity were calculated as 96% and 92%, respectively, and 
comprehensiveness was calculated as 100%. Factor analysis resulted in seven factors 
with a cumulative variance of 62.14%. In internal consistency reliability, Cronbach’s 
alpha for the whole instrument was 0.912. About test‑retest reliability, six items showed 
“almost perfect” agreement, 18 items showed “substantial” agreement, and three 
items showed “moderate” agreement. Therefore, test‑retest reliability assessment too 
demonstrated appropriate results.
Conclusion: The instrument demonstrated excellent validity and reliability for 
application in Iran. This instrument is useful for evaluating patient satisfaction with 
services provided in community pharmacies in the Persian‑speaking communities.


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