Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Haramaya University, Ethiopia

2 Department of Pharmacy, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

3 Department of Internal Medicine, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia


Objective: The increasing number of available drugs and drug users, as well as more complex 
drug regimens led to more side effects and drug interactions and complicates follow‑up. The 
objective of this study was to assess drug‑related problems (DRPs) and associated factors 
in hospitalized patients.
Methods: A hospital‑based cross‑sectional study design was employed. The study was 
conducted in Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Jimma, located in the south west of Addis 
Ababa. All patients who were admitted to the medical ward from February 2011 to March 
2011 were included in the study. Data on sociodemographic variables, past medical history, 
drug history, current diagnosis, current medications, vital signs, and relevant laboratory data 
were collected using semi‑structured questionnaire and data collection forms which were 
filling through patient interview and card review. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 for 
windows. Descriptive statistics, cross‑tabs, Chi‑square, and logistic regression were utilized.
Findings: Out of 257 study participants, 189 (73.5%) had DRPs and a total of 316 DRPs 
were identified. From the six classes of DRPs studied, 103 (32.6%) cases related to untreated 
indication or need additional drug therapy, and 49 (15.5%) cases related to high medication 
dosage. Unnecessary drug therapy in 49 (15.5%) cases, low medication dosage in 44 (13.9%) 
cases, and ineffective drug therapy in 42 (13.3%) cases were the other classes of problems 
identified. Noncompliance in 31 (9.8%) cases was the least prevalent DRP. Independent 
factors which predicted the occurrence of DRPs in the study population were sex, age, 
polypharmacy, and clinically significant potential drug‑drug interactions. The prevalence of 
DRPs was substantially high (73.5%).
Conclusion: Drug‑related problems are common among medical ward patients. 
Indication‑related problems, untreated indication and unnecessary drug therapy were the 
most common types of DRPs among patients of our medical ward.


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