Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharm D, St. Peter’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rohini Super Specialty Hospital, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India

2 Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharm D, St. Peter’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rohini Super Specialty Hospital, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India Department of Pharmacy Management, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India

3 Department of General Medicine, Rohini Super Specialty Hospital, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India


Objective: The objective of this study is to analyze the health‑care cost by calculating the 
direct and indirect costs of diabetes with co‑morbidities in south India. 
Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted at Rohini super specialty hospital 
(India). Patient data as well as cost details were collected from the patients for a period of 
6 months. The study was approved by the hospital committee prior to the study. The diabetic 
patients of age >18 years, either gender were included in the study. The collected data was 
analyzed for the average cost incurred in treating the diabetic patients and was calculated 
based on the total amount spent by the patients to that of total number of patients. 
Findings: A total of 150 patients were enrolled during the study period. The average 
costs per diabetic patient with and without co‑morbidities were found to be United States 
dollar (USD) 314.15 and USD 29.91, respectively. The average cost for those with diabetic 
complications was USD 125.01 for macrovascular complications, USD 90.43 for microvascular 
complications and USD 142.01 for other infections. Out of USD 314.15, the average total 
direct medical cost was USD 290.04, the average direct non‑medical cost was USD 3.75 
and the average total indirect cost was USD 20.34. 
Conclusion: Our study results revealed that more economic burden was found in male 
patients (USD 332.06), age group of 51‑60 years (USD 353.55) and the patients bearing 
macrovascular complications (USD 142.01). This information can be a model for future 
studies of economic evaluations and outcomes research.


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