Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Health Service Administration, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2 Health Human Resources Research Center, Department of Health Service Management, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
3 Department of Health Economics, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Objective: There is an increasing recognition among clinicians and researchers that
the impact of chronic illnesses and their treatments must be assessed in terms of their
quality of life (QoL) in addition to more traditional measures of clinical outcomes. The
aim of this study was to compare the QoL in patients with relapsing‑remitting multiple
sclerosis (RRMS) using Avonex or CinnoVex.
Methods: We conducted a cross‑sectional study on one hundred patients with
RRMS, fifty and fifty patients were being treated with Avonex (Biogen Idec, USA) and
CinnoVex (CinnaGen, Iran), respectively. We used a disease‑specific questionnaire for
MS (Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life‑54 [MSQoL‑54]). Both groups were tested for
significant differences regarding sociodemographic. A multiple linear regression model
was constructed to find factors that affected the different aspect of QoL of the whole
sample of patients.
Findings: MS groups did not differ in physical and mental health composite scores
as well as relative scales. The results of regression models for each subscale showed
that age, marriage, and Expanded Disability Status Scale were associated with several
subscales of the MSQoL‑54 (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: In this study, it was seen that there are no significant differences between
QoL of Avonex and CinnoVex, but a limitation in our study the results may be different
in other countries and even various areas in Iran.
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