Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Pharmacy Management, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

2 Department of Business Administration, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey


Objective: There is a great recognition that store interiors and exteriors can be designed 
to create feelings in potential customers which can have an important reinforcing effect 
on purchase. In this study it is mainly aimed to explore the behaviors of the community 
pharmacists related to their store’s physical environment. Also we aimed to determine 
whether any difference exist between behaviors of pharmacists serving in high and low 
socio-economic regions.
Methods: A total of 200 pharmacists that work socio-economically different regions were 
randomly selected from 1424 pharmacists registered in Ankara Chamber of Pharmacists. 
A uniform questionnaire was applied to the pharmacists by using a face-to-face interview 
Findings: There are differences in terms of behavior between the pharmacists serving in high 
and low socio-economic regions within the context of putting importance to their stores’ 
atmosphere. More pharmacists attach importance to the physical sight of their pharmacy 
serving in high socio-economic regions (90%) vs. pharmacists in low socio-economic regions 
(70%). Also pharmacists in high socio-economic regions indicated higher importance level 
of selection of the decoration equipments (84%) than pharmacists serving in high socioeconomic regions (60%).
Conclusion: Our study suggests that some pharmacists pay more attention to interior 
atmospheric elements and others do not. There is a difference in terms of attaching 
importance to some store atmospheric elements (i.e. physical site, decoration equipment, 
it’s color, wall color, etc.) serving in high versus low socio-economic regions in this context.


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