Adaptation and validation of the screening tool of older people's prescriptions instrument for the Indonesian population
Adaptation and validation of the screening tool of older people's prescriptions instrument for the Indonesian population

Siti Fauziyah; Retnosari Andrajati; Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika; Maksum Radji

Volume 9, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 24-29

   In this study, we aimed to prepare and validate an Indonesian version for the Screening Tool of Older People's Prescriptions (STOPP), which is an instrument to identify inappropriate ...  Read More
Prescribing pattern and prescription-writing quality of antineoplastic agents in the capital city of a middle-income developing country
Prescribing pattern and prescription-writing quality of antineoplastic agents in the capital city of a middle-income developing country

Maryam Taghizadeh-Ghehi; Asiyeh Amouei; Ava Mansouri; Aarefeh Jafarzadeh Kohneloo; Molouk Hadjibabaie

Volume 7, Issue 1 , January 2018, , Pages 46-50

  Cancer is a global health concern with growing incidence worldwide. Chemotherapy is the main treatment modality in many malignancies. This study aimed at evaluation of antineoplastic ...  Read More
Ciprofloxacin use in hospitalized children: Approved or off-label?
Ciprofloxacin use in hospitalized children: Approved or off-label?

Toktam Faghihi; Leila Yavari Tekmehdash; Mania Radfar; Kheirollah Gholami

Volume 6, Issue 4 , October 2017, , Pages 193-198

  Fluoroquinolones are not routinely used as the first-line antimicrobial therapy in pediatrics. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the United States Food and Drug Administration ...  Read More
Prescription to over-the-counter switches in the United States
Prescription to over-the-counter switches in the United States

Jongwha Chang; Allison Lizer; Isha Patel; Deepak Bhatia; Xi Tan; Rajesh Balkrishnan

Volume 5, Issue 3 , July 2016, , Pages 149-154

  As the role of the pharmacist becomes more patient and counseling-centered, the healthcare market is changing to keep pace with more modern needs, such as self-treatment. Self-treatment ...  Read More