Massive Citalopram Overdose Associated with Recurrent Seizures and Bilateral Shoulder Dislocations
Massive Citalopram Overdose Associated with Recurrent Seizures and Bilateral Shoulder Dislocations

. Shafeajafar Zoofaghari; . Anselm Wong; . Pegah Kiarasi; . Farzad Gheshlaghi

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2020, , Pages 161-164

  Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are widely used in the treatment of many types of mental disorders. Citalopram is commonly used as a new generation of SSRIs ...  Read More
Risk factors and the outcome of therapy in patients with seizure after Carbamazepine poisoning: A two-year cross‑sectional study
Risk factors and the outcome of therapy in patients with seizure after Carbamazepine poisoning: A two-year cross‑sectional study

. Ahmad Yaraghi; . Nastaran Eizadi-Mood; . Marzieh Salehi; . Gholamreza Massoumi; . Lejla Zunic; . Ali Mohammad Sabzghabaee

Volume 4, Issue 1 , January 2015, , Pages 18-23

  Objective: We aimed to investigate the frequency of seizure after acute carbamazepine poisoning and the important risk factors related to the outcomes of therapy.Methods: In this ...  Read More