Reducing missed medication doses in intensive care units: A pharmacist-led intervention
Reducing missed medication doses in intensive care units: A pharmacist-led intervention

Mukhtar Jawad Alomar; Sohail Ahmad; Yahya Moustafa; Lafi Salim Alharbi

Volume 9, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 36-43

  The objectives of this study were to investigate the frequency and reasons for missing doses and impact of a pharmacist-led intervention to reduce the missed doses in intensive care ...  Read More
Impact of pharmacist intervention on appropriate insulin pen use in older patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a rural area in Iran
Impact of pharmacist intervention on appropriate insulin pen use in older patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a rural area in Iran

Aida Sefidani Forough; Parsa Riazi Esfahani

Volume 6, Issue 2 , April 2017, , Pages 114-119

   The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of pharmacist-conducted educational intervention on reducing errors related to inappropriate insulin pen use.Methods: This ...  Read More
Medication errors in oral dosage form preparation for neonates: The importance of preparation technique
Medication errors in oral dosage form preparation for neonates: The importance of preparation technique

. Sousan Valizadeh; . Mehri Rasekhi; . Hamed Hamishehkar; . Malihe Asadollahi; . Hadi Hamishehkar

Volume 4, Issue 3 , July 2015, , Pages 147-152

  Objective: Considering the inability of neonates to swallow oral drugs in the form of solid tablets, the lack of appropriate dosage forms for infants, and the necessity to prepare ...  Read More
Factors effective on medication errors: A nursing view
Factors effective on medication errors: A nursing view

. Akram Shahrokhi; . Fatemeh Ebrahimpour; . Arash Ghodousi

Volume 2, Issue 1 , January 2013, , Pages 18-23

  Objective: Medication errors are the most common medical errors, which may result in some complications for patients. This study was carried out to investigate what influence medication ...  Read More
Rational use of medicine in the pediatric age group: A summary on the role of clinical pharmacists
Rational use of medicine in the pediatric age group: A summary on the role of clinical pharmacists

. Roya Kelishadi; . Firoozeh Mousavinasab

Volume 1, Issue 1 , August 2012, , Pages 10-13

  Medication errors (ME) and adverse drug reactions still continue to be the important factors for out- and in-patient treatments. MEs are critical troubles in all hospitalized populations ...  Read More
Errors of oral medication administration in a patient with enteral feeding tube
Errors of oral medication administration in a patient with enteral feeding tube

. Shahram Emami; . Hadi Hamishehkar; . Ata Mahmoodpoor; . Simin Mashayekhi; . Parina Asgharian

Volume 1, Issue 1 , August 2012, , Pages 37-40

  Enteral feeding tube is employed for feeding of critically ill patients who are unable to eat. In the cases of oral medication administration to enterally fed patients, some potential errors ...  Read More